
Summer festival edition

June 23, 2015

For all the people in love with summer, I declare myself the ruler of the warm season. Ever since I’ve moved to London, five years ago, I tried to embrace cold, rain, fog and everything the unfriendly weather report threw at me, but I still dreamed and wished for sunny beaches, long walks with my bare feet in the sand and ice creams for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When the first 20 degrees hit us, I took out my guns and bathed in the almighty sun. My companions for this treat were the amazing playsuit with boho embroidery from Primark (almost sold-out) and the floral tassel kimono from Dorothy Perkins that I wear now with pretty much anything, this is how obsessed I am with it.

You can still look charming in your summer festival gear, either on the beach or at a concert, the world is your oyster!

Dorothy Perkins kimono/Primark playsuit/New Look hat/Lonsdale trainers/Accessorize jewelries

summer fun summer jumper primark jumper whiteDSC_1136