
How to wear the lilac coat

February 23, 2015


With London Fashion Week in full swing, you need a cosy yet trendy look. I’ve opted for this pastel lilac midi coat that would brighten any outfit. Lilac is supposed to be the color of the year, so points for me, won’t you think? I have paired it with my versatile deep purple culottes and off-white cropped jumper. Together make a vibrant day look, perfect for running between shows. I didn’t forget about sandals. In the middle of winter, you’d think? Well, London is not known for its long summers, so we have to start somewhere. And what better place than where all the fashion begins!

Accessories are very important, and my amazing bag from Alexander McQueen is the evidence of modernist class. I’ve added a pair of oversized sunglasses and off we go wait in the queue. A busy day of shows awaits.

Wearing Oasis coat/Zara jumper (buy here) and trousers/McQueen bag (buy here)/Office shoes (buy here)/HM bracelet/Roberto Cavalli sunglasses _MG_4350 _MG_4352 _MG_4354_MG_4380