
Meatball soup

April 19, 2013

Meatball soup

By April 19, 2013

In my favorite soups list, this one is on top. It's absolutely delicious, and I know, no matter how hard I'll try, I can never get my mom's secret. So I combined Antonina's recipe with my mom's advice and it turned out great! Get ready to be dazzled, you will make this soup on and on.

  • Prep Time : 15 minutes
  • Cook Time : 2h 20 min
  • Yield : 10
  • Allergens :
Nutrition facts (per portion) : 0: 350; 1: 2;



1. Boil the onion, carrots, celeriac and parsnip in a pot with 3 litres of water at medium heath. Take the foam once in a while. When it starts to bubble, put salt and pepper.

2. Make the meatballs this way: mix the mince, egg, egg whites, half of chopped parsley, one teaspoon of dill, 3 spoons of rice, semolina and a teaspoon of salt and pepper. Mix very well, then make the meatballs of medium dimensions, like half an egg. You can wet your hands so the job will go smoothly.

3. When the vegetables are almost boiled, put the 3 remaining spoons of rice and the meatballs, easy so they don't break. Turn the heath low and leave to boil for an hour, or until they are boiled and you like their taste.

4. While they are boiling, after 30 minutes, put the borsh or lemon juice as much as you like, tomatoes, a spoon of dill, chopped parsley, salt and pepper and if you have, concentrate spices especially for soups from Maggi or Knorr.

5. Leave to boil until the meatballs are ready then turn off the heat and put some more parsley and the lid on.


Romanian translation